Wednesday, July 10, 2013

Energy giant Shell names Ben van Beurden as new chief jmi-rfj/gd

Anglo-Dutch energy giant Royal Dutch Shell said Tuesday that it has appointed downstream director Ben van Beurden as chief executive to replace outgoing boss Peter Voser.

"The board of Royal Dutch Shell plc today announced that Ben van Beurden will succeed Peter Voser as chief executive officer, effective 1 January 2014," it said in a statement.

"Peter Voser will leave Shell at the end of March 2014, marking the end of 29 years with the company."

Dutch national Van Beurden, 55, has been downstream director since January 2013.

"I am delighted to announce Ben van Beurden as the next chief executive officer of Royal Dutch Shell," said Chairman Jorma Ollila.

"Ben has deep knowledge of the industry and proven executive experience across a range of Shell businesses.

"Ben will continue to drive and further develop the strategic agenda that we have set out, to generate competitive returns for our shareholders."

Shell revealed in May that Voser, 54, would retire in 2014 to spend more time with his family.

The London-listed energy major made the surprise announcement of Voser's departure alongside a drop in first-quarter profits that was blamed on lower crude oil prices.

Van Beurden joined Shell in 1983 and has held various operational and commercial roles in upstream and downstream activities at Shell.

Voser, who has been chief executive since July 2009, will have worked a total of 29 years at the group during two spells.


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