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Wednesday, January 30, 2013
Orion reflects safety push after Columbia disaster
Ten years after the devastating Columbia space shuttle accident that took the lives of seven astronauts, NASA is building a new spacecraft that will take humans farther into space than ever before, and will incorporate the safety lessons learned from the disaster that befell the agency Feb. 1, 2003.
That day, the shuttle Columbia was returning from a 16-day trip to space devoted to science research. But what began as a routine re-entry through Earth's atmosphere ended disastrously as the orbiter disintegrated about 200,000 feet (61 kilometers) over Texas.
Later analysis found that Columbia was doomed during its launch, when a small bit of foam insulation broke off the shuttle's external fuel tank and tore a hole in the orbiter's wing. That hole prevented Columbia from withstanding the scorching heat of re-entry.
Afterward, the independent team that investigated the accident, called the Columbia Accident Investigation Board (CAIB), found a number of factors, from the safety culture at NASA to the design of the shuttle, that led to the disaster. [ Photos: The Columbia Space Shuttle Tragedy ]
All of the lessons the agency learned were incorporated into every subsequent flight NASA flew, and are now being used to inform the design of its next-generation spaceship, Orion. That vehicle is slated to carry people to asteroids, the moon and Mars sometime in the mid-2020s.
"We're hoping nothing ever goes wrong, but if it does, we've taken every possible step to keep the crew safe and give them every possible fighting chance they can have," said Dustin Gohmert, NASA crew survival engineering team lead, at Johnson Space Center in Houston. "It's especially important to us that were here during the Columbia accident, because they were our friends, too."
Race car seats and children's seatbelts
The Columbia investigation exposed a number of flaws in the design of the shuttle's crew cabin, including its seats, seatbelts, spacesuits and life-support system. Each of these has been redesigned for Orion.
"The seats were one of the weaker links during the Columbia accident," Gohmert told "We wanted to make these seats formfitting so they had a true fit to the body's shape."
NASA looked to the formfitting seats used in professional race vcars, which provide even support to every part of the body, offering extreme cushioning and shock absorption during a crash. Orion designers even fine-tuned the vibration frequency of the seats to have different resonances than the internal organs of a human body.
The engineers also redesigned the seatbelts, which were another issue during Columbia's flight. Here, they took inspiration from the belts on children's car seats, which are adjustable to fit a wide range of body sizes.
"We wanted an exact fit for every single person who could fit in the vehicle, from females down to 4'10" and males up to 6'4"," Gohmert said. "It was quite a challenge."
Suiting up
The astronaut spacesuits were also completely redesigned for Orion. The Columbia investigation board found that the crew members didn't have time to configure their suits to protect against depressurization, which occurred rapidly. In fact, some of the astronauts were not wearing their safety gloves, and one didn't even have a helmet on, because of how quickly the accident took place. [ Columbia Shuttle Disaster Explained (Infographic) ]
"In the case of Orion, the suits will instantaneously, and without any action of the crew, inflate and protect from the loss of pressure," Gohmert said.
The capsule life-support system was also upgraded to provide a constant flow of oxygen to the crew, even with their helmet visors up and locked, which wasn't possible in the shuttle.
Each of these changes addresses flaws exposed by the Columbia shuttle disaster. Yet Gohmert said none of these upgrades alone would have made a difference during the disaster.
"I caution against saying that any one thing we've corrected would have protected against the outcome," he said. "However, we examined all the lethal events that occurred in Columbia and addressed each of them in the Orion. We're doing a whole lot of things to make it safer, and everything we've learned from the shuttle accidents, from Russian space accidents, automobile accidents ? we've taken lessons from all of them and tried to incorporate them into Orion."
Capsule vs. space plane
Perhaps the largest change from shuttle to Orion is the shift from a winged space plane design to the cone-shaped capsule, which sits atop the rocket rather than next to it.?
"When we went to the capsule, we went from a side-mounted spacecraft to a forward-mounted one," said Julie Kramer White, Orion chief engineer.
"Therefore, it's not exposed to debris environments, which was obviously a huge issue for Columbia."
This configuration also allows the crew compartment of the capsule to be ejected from the top of the rocket stack in the case of an emergency on the launch pad or during liftoff. Such an escape would not have been possible for the crew cabin of the space shuttle.
Of course, the shuttle had capabilities that no capsule has ? namely, the ability to haul large, heavy cargoes, such as the building blocks of the International Space Station, inside its cargo bay, White pointed out.
Moreover, the culture of safety at NASA has changed for the better since the days of Columbia, Gohmert said.
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Asteroids vs. comets: Scientist sizes up perils
Science editor Alan Boyle's blog: NASA's top expert on near-Earth objects says that new telescope systems are gradually getting a handle on potentially threatening asteroids. But comets? That's a completely different story.
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Asteroids vs. comets: Scientist sizes up perils
"The reaction has been very positive around all of NASA in terms of giving us the capacity to make these safety improvements," he said. "Previously, it was difficult to implement some of the safety features as we'd hoped. Now it really is on the forefront of everyone's mind."
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Monday, January 28, 2013
Stock futures point to gains after data and Caterpillar
NEW YORK (Reuters) - Stock index futures pointed to a modestly higher open on Monday following strong data and results from Caterpillar, though gains were slight after a rally that took the S&P 500 above 1,500 for the first time in more than five years.
A strong start to the earnings season has boosted equities, with major averages rising for four straight weeks. The S&P has gained for eight straight days, its longest winning streak in eight years.
Caterpillar Inc
"You can't find more of a global bellwhether than Cat, and people are pleased with the number, which suggests there could be less concern about slowing growth in China after this," said Wayne Kaufman, chief market analyst at John Thomas Financial in New York.
Thomson Reuters data through Friday showed that of the 147 S&P 500 companies that have reported earnings so far, 68 percent exceeded expectations. Since 1994, 62 percent of companies have topped expectations, while the average over the past four quarters stands at 65 percent.
Yahoo Inc
S&P 500 futures rose 2 points and were about even with fair value, a formula that evaluates pricing by taking into account interest rates, dividends and time to expiration on the contract. Dow Jones industrial average futures added 22 points and Nasdaq 100 futures rose 2 points.
The S&P 500 closed at its highest since December 10, 2007, and the Dow ended at its highest since October 31, 2007. Over the past four weeks, the S&P has jumped 7.2 percent, suggesting markets may be vulnerable to a pullback if news disappoints.
Durable goods jumped 4.6 percent in December, a pace that far outstripped expectations for a rise of 1.8 percent.
"We continue to have a parade of better-than-expected economic reports. All-in-all it's a good picture. I think there's a good chance we've reached a point of recognition where people don't think the economy will crater," Kaufman said.
In addition to earnings, equities have also risen on an agreement in Washington to extend the government's borrowing power. On Monday, Fitch Ratings said that agreement removed the near-term risk to the country's 'AAA' rating.
Previously, the agency said the lack of an agreement would prompt a review of the sovereign rating.
In company news, Keryx Biopharmaceuticals Inc
Bargain hunters may look to Apple Inc in the first session after the tech giant lost its coveted title as the largest U.S. company by market capitalization to Exxon Mobil Corp
"Apple is pretty attractive right now, so you may see an opportunity here," said Chris Bertelsen, who helps oversee $1.5 billion as chief investment officer of Global Financial Private Capital in Sarasota, Florida. "Those who think the stock is dead have made a big mistake."
U.S. stocks rose on Friday, lifted by strong results from such companies as Procter & Gamble
(Editing by W Simon and Kenneth Barry)
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Iraqi lawmakers pass law to block Maliki from third term
BAGHDAD (Reuters) - Iraq's parliament passed a law on Saturday intended to block Prime Minister Nuri al-Maliki from a third term, as the Shi'ite premier faced growing pressure from mass Sunni street protests.
Lawmakers from Sunni, Kurdish and Shi'ite parties voted for the law, but the legislation still needs the president's approval and will face challenges in federal court after Maliki's supporters rejected it as illegal.
The law, restricting the posts of prime minister, parliament speaker and president to two four-year terms, was approved as the Shi'ite premier tried to end weeks of protests by Sunni demonstrators against his government.
"Parliament succeeded today in passing an important law to limit the terms of three posts, including the prime minister's," said Khalid Shwani, head of the legal panel of parliament.
Parliamentary elections are due early in 2014. First elected in 2005, Maliki was re-elected in 2010 in an indecisive ballot that lead to the formation of a fragile power-sharing government split among Shi'ite, Sunni and Kurdish parties.
Kurdish parties, the Sunni-backed Iraqiya bloc and even some rivals in Maliki's own Shi'ite coalition failed last year to trigger a vote of no confidence against a prime minister they accuse of accumulating power at their expense.
Since the last American troops left Iraq a year ago, Shi'ite, Sunni Muslim and ethnic Kurdish parties have been caught in a power-sharing stalemate that has left key legislation on oil and investment paralyzed in parliament.
(Reporting by Ahmed Rasheed; editing by Patrick Markey and Andrew Roche)
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Sunday, January 27, 2013
Friday, January 25, 2013
SeatGuru Now Offers Flight Searches, Tells You If You'll Love a Flight or Not
SeatGuru has long been a great resource for pinpointing the best seats on an airplane. The site has recently introduced a flight search tool, so you can plan your trip and take a look a the plane seat maps all in one place.
The new flight search, powered by TripAdvisor (which owns SeatGuru), offers the basics we've come to expect in any travel planning tool: sorting by price, finding packages, searching only nonstop, and looking for flexible dates.
A few interesting features make SeatGuru's search stand out. First, you can include baggage fees in the totals, so you can really compare how much those flights will cost. If you absolutely need power or Wi-Fi or other amenities during the flight, you can also select those options.
The search seems to be designed to give you the best view of both price and experience: You can require a minimum airline rating (from TripAdvisor's giant user community) and sort results by a unique "Guru Factor" that tells you if you'll love a flight, like it, or simply live with it. In this way, it's similar to previously mentioned Routehappy, except SeatGuru offers more detail and prices.
In short, it's now a lot easier to get not just the best flight but the best seat on that flight.
SeatGuru | via Tnooz
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Selfish, ignorant, dangerous: Europe's anger over Cameron speech
BERLIN/PARIS (Reuters) - Britain's European partners heaped scorn on Prime Minister David Cameron's demand for radical reform of the EU and promise of an "in-out" referendum on UK membership, calling it reckless and ignorant of EU decision making.
"If Britain wants to leave Europe we will roll out the red carpet for you," quipped French Foreign Minister Laurent Fabius, a barbed riposte to Cameron who last year used the same phrase to invite wealthy French tax exiles to Britain.
Demanding changes in the rules was as if Britain had joined a football club and then suddenly said "let's play rugby", said Fabius.
German Foreign Minister Guido Westerwelle said Britain could not treat Europe like an "a la carte" menu from which it could pick and choose policies it liked.
"Cherry-picking is not an option," he said.
Martin Schulz, the head of the European Parliament which with the European Commission was the butt of Cameron's criticism of "sclerotic" EU decision-making, was just plain angry.
Britain was pointing the finger but was "overwhelmingly to blame for all the delays in Europe", said Schulz. "He just wants change in the single interest of Britain and that's not fair."
In Germany, where Angela Merkel's conservative sympathies for Cameron's party are overshadowed by anger at their exit from the centre-right EU bloc and his veto of her fiscal pact, the view is that the UK premier has painted himself into a corner.
German politicians face eurosceptic pressures of their own but say Cameron pays too much attention to a loud minority.
"Cameron is using EU membership as a tactical tool for domestic politics," said Manuel Sarrazin of the German Greens.
The response to Cameron's long-awaited speech was not uniformly negative. Among sympathisers was Czech Prime Minister Petr Necas, whose government was the only one other than Britain's not to sign the fiscal pact. He said he shared Cameron's wish for a "more flexible, more open" EU.
Mark Verheijen, a lawmaker from Dutch Premier Mark Rutte's Liberal Party which shares Cameron's concerns but does not want an opt-out, called it a "strong speech" with good reform ideas.
But such voices were largely drowned out by those who saw danger for the European project if countries were allowed to demand opt-outs from EU policies they did not like.
Carl Bildt, the Swedish foreign minister, said the idea of flexible membership floated by Cameron "sounds fine" but would lead to there being "no Europe at all. Just a mess."
Even if opinion to Britain were warmer, it is far from clear how it could initiate and successfully pilot a treaty negotiation, EU officials said.
Guy Verhofstadt, former Belgian prime minister and now leader of the liberals in the European Parliament, said the British premier was "playing with fire" by trying to renegotiate EU membership and put it to the vote.
"His speech was full of inconsistencies, displaying a degree of ignorance about how the EU works," said Verhofstadt.
Verhofstadt said granting Britain wholesale opt-outs from common European rules and regulations risked precipitating an unravelling of the EU and its internal market.
The alarm is not confined to Europe. Britain has also been warned by the White House and a host of business leaders that it would lose global influence if it left the EU.
Joseph Nye, a former U.S. defence department official and professor at Harvard, said "Europe with Britain in it is much more powerful and important than without it". President Barack Obama "very much wants Britain to remain in the EU", Nye told a panel at the Davos World Economic Forum.
Among those defending Cameron were Austrian Eurosceptic Hans-Christian Strache of the far-right Freedom Party, who called the criticism of the British leader "hysterical".
Finland's Europe minister, Alex Stubb, said he did not think Cameron wanted to quit the EU.
"He wants to get this discussion done and clarify Britain's position in the EU once and for all. In that sense I do respect his line," he said.
Cameron gave EU leaders advance warning of his speech and some, even if they did not like what they heard, agreed with him that it was high time for an honest debate about reform.
"It is time, as Cameron said, for a more intense debate on democracy and transparency in the EU," said Sweden's EU Affairs Minister Birgitta Ohlsson. "But we can discuss these issues within the EU."
EU diplomats said plans for a referendum in 2015-2017, based on proposals that had not yet been proposed much less negotiated, allowed for far too much uncertainty.
"Basically it boiled down to: 'Let's re-elect me, let's then change our ties with Europe, and then let's have a referendum on something that's not defined yet'," said one EU diplomat.
Peter Mandelson, a former EU trade commissioner and veteran British government minister from Cameron's Labour opposition, called it a "schizophrenic" speech and said Europe would not respond positively to being treated as a "cafeteria service where you bring your own tray and leave with what you want".
Jolyon Howorth, a British scholar of European politics, said the EU might be better off without Britain as it would then be free to work towards the vision of a federal Europe, "unhampered by the brake-man on the caboose".
(Additional reporting by Paul Taylor, Luke Baker, Philip Blenkinsop, Alexandra Hudson, Gilbert Kreijger, Robert Muller, Jussi Rosendahl, Alistair Scrutton and Georgina Prodhan; Editing by Peter Graff)
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Thursday, January 24, 2013
3 beheaded, 5 others killed in northeast Nigeria
MAIDUGURI, Nigeria (AP) ? Officials say suspected fighters from a radical Islamist sect beheaded three people in a northeastern Nigerian city where gunfire has echoed through the street.
The violence happened Wednesday in Maiduguri and appeared to be the work of the sect known as Boko Haram.
Lt. Col. Sagir Musa said three people had been beheaded in an early morning attack in a Maiduguri neighborhood. Later, witnesses and officials said four dead bodies were found in another neighborhood. Residents say a Boko Haram fighter also shot and killed another person, drawing mortar fire from the military.
Boko Haram is waging a bloody sectarian fight against Nigeria's weak central government, which has been unable to stop the violence. Authorities blamed the sect for killing five others Tuesday in the northern city of Kano.
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Tuesday, January 22, 2013
What is the law of attraction? | Self Help Self Improvement Personal ...
There are several natural laws by which we are all bound, and the law of attraction is just one of these. These laws definitely exist- you can see the law of gravity (another natural law) in action every time you drop something and watch it fall to the floor!
The law of attraction works by making sure that what is brought into your life matches the thoughts and energy you are sending out. Everything in the universe is made of energy- including us. Everything you can see is made up of different configurations of energy. If you were to look at your hand through a powerful enough telescope, you would see that your hand is not actually a solid object but made up of countless tiny atoms. These atoms are never static, but are in a constant state of motion. You are constantly radiating this energy out to the universe in the form of thoughts (which are also made up of energy), and the type of energy sent out depends on your emotional state at that particular time. These emotional thought energies are known as vibrations? and automatically attract back to us anything that is on the same vibrational frequency. Put simply, your emotions and thought determine what you are attracting. You become a magnet, attracting whatever you think about, especially if you attach emotion to the thought.
Energy vibrates at different frequencies, and the things you attract into your life are vibrating at the same frequency as your thoughts. Thoughts such as love, excitement and abundance vibrate at higher frequencies which will attract more of these things to you, whereas thoughts such as stress, anger and confusion vibrate at lower frequencies which will attract more of them into your life.
For example, if you are constantly feeling anxious because your car needs repairs and you have some large bills due which you don?t know how you will pay, the thought vibrations you are giving out will attract back to you things on a similar frequency; for example you will receive more things to feel anxious about- you may get more bills or your washing machine may develop a fault.
On the other hand, if you are feeling good about yourself and happy with life then the thought vibrations you are giving out will attract more reasons for you to feel good and happy with your life.
Just as the law of gravity is always working, the law of attraction is also always working, even though we are not always aware of it. Everything we currently have in our lives right now is what we attracted- whether it is poor relationships, ill health or lack of money. Even the clothes you wear and the car you drive- your thoughts attracted them whether you were aware of this or not. Although this may seem a little depressing, it is actually quite empowering! How? Well, if you unconsciously attracted things you didn?t want into your life, now that you know about the law of attraction and how it works, you can start deliberately attracting the things you do want!
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Monday, January 21, 2013
The New Demands & Competencies Of Human Resources Executives
Gone are the days when companies can be reactive in their talent management. It has become apparent that to achieve and sustain a competitive advantage, firms must be proactive in their human capital programs. As talent management has evolved to become one of the most critical issues that organizations face across all sectors, the role of senior human resources executives has changed significantly.
Within progressive firms, HR executives have assumed key roles in corporate strategy development as it is those individuals who understand how the talent market and human behavior dictate an organization?s capabilities and profitability. As a result, they have seen new demands put upon them by Chief Executive Officers (CEOs). Simply put, CEOs want their HR leaders to think and act as business executives, integrating HR practices into solutions that address the key business challenges of growing market share and competitive advantage. Thus, the role of HR leaders has expanded from recruitment, engagement and compliance to include:
- Change Management
- Employment Branding
- Global Mobility and Security
- Leadership Development
- Strategic Workforce Planning including Multi-Generational Programs
- Succession Planning
HR executives are expected to be strategic thinkers with the abilities to increase HR?s return on investment by:
- Transforming HR from a relatively isolated activity to a sustainable and integrated solution that complements leadership behaviors and objectives.
- Assisting to strategically position a company for growth and profitability by building capabilities and skill sets across the organization.
- Providing useful and valuable management information that aligns HR policies, systems and procedures with an organization?s strategies.
- Facilitating change to ensure that organizational strategies are integrated at the institutional, initiative and individual level.
- Applying technology solutions to enhance the organization?s capabilities; streamline HR administrative functions (payroll, benefits, etc.); and improve recruitment, engagement and retention.
- Being an activist for all customer segments:? leadership, external customers and employees.
These strong demands have prompted the competencies of HR executives to change as well.? Now, HR leaders must have:
- Strong business acumen and connection to an organization and its business (trends, economic conditions and demographics) as well as specific expectations of customers, investors, communities and employees.
- High emotional intelligence with strong communication skills and the ability to build relationships based on trust and credibility.
- Understanding of financial metrics, revenues and profitability.
- Understanding of a company?s objectives and overall mission so that they can develop comprehensive, well-defined plans for human capital management (i.e. staffing, training, culture and compensation).
- Ability to facilitate changes at the individual, initiative and institutional level.
- Comprehensive insight on talent sourcing and development, employee performance and organizational design.
As the talent pool decreases and the skills gap widens, the strategic role of a senior HR leader will not dissipate but, instead, become increasingly vital to a company?s success. Regardless of what challenges the future brings, the one thing that will remain constant is that an organization will always be able to distinguish itself from the competition by the quality and engagement of its people.
Sources:? HR Magazine, Human Resources IQ, Presence in IT
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FREE seminar for wellness, fitness and health industry ? 1 February

A free seminar is being held on Friday 1 February for the growing fitness and health industry on the Northern Beaches, organised by Warringah and Pittwater Councils.
The seminar will offer expert advice to health and fitness operators on improving their bottom line ? whether they are just getting the qualifications, starting up a new business or a operating a well-established facility.
Northern Beaches College ? TAFE Brookvale has a new state-of-the-art fitness facility where everyone from yoga teachers to fitness instructors and Surf Life Savers can get training and certification. Participants will tour the facility and get tips from industry groups and other experts on topics such as industry trends, training and franchise opportunities.
Guest speakers will include:
- Steve Grant ? Director of Vision Personal Training in Mona Vale
- Lisa Agic ? Fitness Australia
- Daniel Hackett ? University of Sydney
- Dr Sean Kirsten ? Integrative Health Professionals
- Andrew Hill ? Northern Beaches College ? Sport, Fitness & Outdoor Recreation
?We?re pleased to be have this opportunity to meet with local business people and discuss how they can meet fitness industry standards as well as bring quality service to their clients,? said Lisa Agic, Relationship Manager, Fitness Australia.
The seminar is being organised by Warringah and Pittwater Councils, and is supported by? Warringah Chamber of Commerce and Industries and Narrabeen and District Chamber.
?Even the healthiest people need assistance getting their businesses into shape,? said Warringah Mayor, Michael Regan. ?We support health and fitness businesses in Warringah because they help our population stay healthy and keep our economy healthy.?
Pittwater Mayor, Jacqui Townsend said fitness training was a growth industry in Pittwater. ?This is a welcome initiative by all concerned to help these businesses gain a healthy bottom line,? she said.
The Warringah Chamber ?Love your business expo? will follow the seminar which runs at TAFE from 10am-6pm.
Book your free place today:
Wellness Fitness & Health Business Seminar
Friday 1 February
8am for 8.30-10.30am
Northern Beaches College of TAFE
154 Old Pittwater Rd, Brookvale

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Saturday, January 19, 2013
Android Phones Online: Tips for Choosing Useful Phone Screen ...
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Thursday, January 17, 2013
Mysterious Shaman Stones Uncovered in Panama
Archaeologists have unearthed nearly 5,000-year-old shaman's stones in a rock shelter in Panama. The stone collection may be the earliest evidence of shamanic rituals in that region of Central America, researchers say.
The 12 stones were found in the Casita de Piedra rock shelter, in the Isthmus of Panama. The rocks, which carbon-dating of surrounding material showed to be between 4,000 and 4,800 years old, were clustered in a tight pile. That suggests they had been carried there, likely in a leather pouch that has long-since disintegrated, said study co-author, Ruth Dickau, an archaeologist at the University of Exeter, in an email.
"If our interpretation is correct, it constitutes the earliest material evidence in lower Central America of shamanistic practice," the authors wrote in the article.
The findings were published online Dec. 27 in the journal Archaeological and Anthropological Sciences.
The?Pre-Columbian rock shelter was first discovered in the 1970s, and was initially thought to have been used by people since about 6,500 years ago. In 2006 Dickau reanalyzed the shelter and found that people had used the shady nook for cooking and tool-making for over 9,000 years. During the excavations, she also uncovered the mysterious cache of stones. [In Photos: Amazing Ruins of the Ancient World]
The collection, which included translucent quartz, pyrite,?magnetic rocks and bladed tools, was likely used in shamanic rituals because of how closely together they were packed, Dickau told LiveScience. Some of the rocks contained grains of iron called magnetite, and showed magnetic properties by deflecting a compass needle. In addition, the stone types themselves don't come from the rock shelter, but were historically used in shamanic rituals throughout the region.
The stones came from a distant, gold-rich region of Panama called the Central Cordillera up to 3,000 years before mining of the precious metal began, said study co-author and consulting geologist Stewart Redwood in a statement.
"However, there are no gold artifacts in the rock shelter, and there's no evidence that the stones were collected in the course of gold prospecting as the age of the cache pre-dates the earliest known gold artifacts from Panama by more than 2,000 years," Redwood said in a statement.?
The shaman who once used these rocks probably belonged to an indigenous culture that lived off maize, manioc and wild tubers. But the story of the rocks themselves may remain an enigma.?
"We will never be entirely sure how the ancient people used the stones in the past," Dickau wrote.
Modern-day practices, however, can provide some clues. Even today, indigenous shamans in Costa Rica will chant, sing and blow tobacco smoke over stones to communicate with otherworldly spirits or diagnose illnesses, she wrote. The stones' movement in the shaman's hands are taken as responses to questions. In addition, in indigenous myths and stories in the region, crystals are linked to transformative experiences.
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Wednesday, January 9, 2013
NASA telescopes see weather patterns in brown dwarf
Jan. 8, 2013 ? Astronomers using NASA's Spitzer and Hubble space telescopes have probed the stormy atmosphere of a brown dwarf, creating the most detailed "weather map" yet for this class of cool, star-like orbs. The forecast shows wind-driven, planet-sized clouds enshrouding these strange worlds.
Brown dwarfs form out of condensing gas, as stars do, but lack the mass to fuse hydrogen atoms and produce energy. Instead, these objects, which some call failed stars, are more similar to gas planets with their complex, varied atmospheres. The new research is a stepping-stone toward a better understanding not only of brown dwarfs, but also of the atmospheres of planets beyond our solar system.
"With Hubble and Spitzer, we were able to look at different atmospheric layers of a brown dwarf, similar to the way doctors use medical imaging techniques to study the different tissues in your body," said Daniel Apai, the principal investigator of the research at the University of Arizona in Tucson, who presented the results at the American Astronomical Society meeting Tuesday in Long Beach, Calif.
A study describing the results, led by Esther Buenzli, also of the University of Arizona, is published in the Astrophysical Journal Letters.
The researchers turned Hubble and Spitzer simultaneously toward a brown dwarf with the long name of 2MASSJ22282889-431026. They found that its light varied in time, brightening and dimming about every 90 minutes as the body rotated. But more surprising, the team also found the timing of this change in brightness depended on whether they looked using different wavelengths of infrared light.
These variations are the result of different layers or patches of material swirling around the brown dwarf in windy storms as large as Earth itself. Spitzer and Hubble see different atmospheric layers because certain infrared wavelengths are blocked by vapors of water and methane high up, while other infrared wavelengths emerge from much deeper layers.
"Unlike the water clouds of Earth or the ammonia clouds of Jupiter, clouds on brown dwarfs are composed of hot grains of sand, liquid drops of iron, and other exotic compounds," said Mark Marley, research scientist at NASA's Ames Research Center in Moffett Field, Calif., and co-author of the paper. "So this large atmospheric disturbance found by Spitzer and Hubble gives a new meaning to the concept of extreme weather."
Buenzli says this is the first time researchers can probe variability at several different altitudes at the same time in the atmosphere of a brown dwarf. "Although brown dwarfs are cool relative to other stars, they are actually hot by earthly standards. This particular object is about 1,100 to 1,300 degrees Fahrenheit (600 to 700 degrees Celsius)," Buenzli said.
"What we see here is evidence for massive, organized cloud systems, perhaps akin to giant versions of the Great Red Spot on Jupiter," said Adam Showman, a theorist at the University of Arizona involved in the research. "These out-of-sync light variations provide a fingerprint of how the brown dwarf's weather systems stack up vertically. The data suggest regions on the brown dwarf where the weather is cloudy and rich in silicate vapor deep in the atmosphere coincide with balmier, drier conditions at higher altitudes -- and vice versa."
Researchers plan to look at the atmospheres of dozens of additional nearby brown dwarfs using Spitzer and Hubble.
"From studies such as this we will learn much about this important class of objects, whose mass falls between that of stars and Jupiter-sized planets," said Glenn Wahlgren, Spitzer program scientist at NASA Headquarters in Washington. "This technique will see extensive use when we are able to image individual exoplanets."
NASA's Jet Propulsion Laboratory, Pasadena, Calif., manages the Spitzer Space Telescope mission for NASA's Science Mission Directorate, Washington. Science operations are conducted at the Spitzer Science Center at the California Institute of Technology in Pasadena. Data are archived at the Infrared Science Archive housed at the Infrared Processing and Analysis Center at Caltech. Caltech manages JPL for NASA. For more information about Spitzer, visit and .
The Hubble Space Telescope is a project of international cooperation between NASA and the European Space Agency. NASA's Goddard Space Flight Center in Greenbelt, Md., manages the telescope. The Space Telescope Science Institute (STScI) in Baltimore, Md., conducts Hubble science operations. STScI is operated by the Association of Universities for Research in Astronomy, Inc., in Washington. For more information about Hubble, visit and .
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k*handtke clicks & keys: The House Entertaining
My house likes entertaining. ?As in, it likes keeping its rooms full of people and festivities.?
So, it was very agreeable to invite in Samantha's excited family for her bridal shower. What fun!
Samantha and her Josh will be married this May 17th - very special because that's my anniversary :>)
They met at Dordt College in Iowa (they will graduate May 10th), were engaged in California (Josh's home state), and will be married in Illinois with the reception in Indiana (her residence). ??They still are waiting on where to begin their married life, depending where their jobs and the Lord leads them.Oh, to be young and adventurous again!
Her friendly family is obviously quite happy for Samantha; they showered her with happiness, congratulations, and gifts to set up her new home. I had a bit of time to sneak around with the camera to capture some of the fun they had planned.
Wedding Colors
Purple and Gray
Ham Corn Chowder Soup
Broccoli Cauliflower Cheese Soup
Olive Garden Style Salad
Teibel's Warm Rolls
Purple Punch
Hot Cocoa Bar
Candy Bar
Finger Desserts
Personal touches....
Set out fixings for hot cocoa...
(The hot cocoa was kept warm and ready to pour from a coffee carafe server.)
I didn't get a photo of the punch/coffee/hot cocoa table all put together.
I can tell you it looked terrific, though!
I do have a quick snap shot of the coffee pot and some ribbons hanging near the punch table, that was just to be for my reference.
I'll let you see that, because this rather ordinary photo makes me smile for several reasons...Smile 1
My coffee pot was happily conscripted into use for the shower. ?It belonged to my Aunt Judie, who went to be with the Lord years back; she had died young from breast cancer. ?She, like my house, loved to entertain.
Smile 2
The pot is raised up to get taller coffee cups underneath. ?Isn't it the perfect "book" for the bridal shower? ?It was a gift from my son Steve this Christmas. Actually, it is a??opening wooden box - but concealed as a faux book - with 1 Corinthians 13 written on the lid. ?Perfect!
Smile 3
The ribbons conceal a last minute attempt to remove a couple adhesive smudges on the wall... that got worse as I tried to clean it off. ?Thank you, Lindsey and Kristen for your ?brainstorming solutions!
Smile 4
The candle holder to the side is from Leah's wedding.
Smile 5
The little purple flowers and ribbons are from Jessica's wedding.
Smile 6
Who knew an obscure snapshot can produce so many smiles for one person?
Assemble bite-sized sweets for scrumptious desserts.
Top-Notch valet service ~
,,,to get the guests' cars up and down the hill.
OK, I know you're not supposed to use?similar?photos in a blog post,
but I am anyway. ?The next close up is so nice, though it doesn't show much of the hill problem.
Time to light the candles...
Welcome in the guests...
Gifts are placed around the tree....
Pray to bless Samantha and Josh... and the food,
and let the celebration begin!
Toss in some Bridal Shower fun with the Left-Right game...
And then shower their gifts on Samantha...
(a happy bride-to-be, by the way ~ she must be excited for her marriage to Josh :>)
A Honeymoon Care Package from her sisters... so cute and thoughtful!
It includes beach towels, sunscreen, beach snack food, crossword and word search books for waiting at airports,?Tylenol?for any headaches, and these awesome shirts!
A little extra fellowship and final feasting to end the celebration...
It was a pleasure to watch the smiles and hear the laughter of Samantha's family sharing in her joy.
Samantha, God has blessed and surrounded you with caring, loving, and fun-filled people. ?
This blessing will continue as they watch, pray, and walk alongside you and Josh throughout your married life. ?
That is a rare and beautiful treasure to have.
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Tuesday, January 1, 2013
Yoani Sanchez: In 2013: Reasons to Stay
Someone has to be at the foot of the aircraft steps, to say goodbye, holding the handkerchief and wiping their eyes. Someone has to receives the letters, the brightly colored postcards, the long distance phone calls. Someone has to stay and look after the house that once was full of children and relatives, watering the plants they left and feeding the old dog that was so faithful to them. Someone has to keep the family memories, grandmother's mahogany dresser, the wide mirror with the quicksilver coming loose in the corners. Someone has to preserve the jokes that no longer spark laughter, the negatives of the photographs never printed. Someone has to stay to stay.
This 2013, when so many await the implementation of Immigration and Travel Reform, could become a year where we say "goodby" many time. While I respect the decision of each person to settle here or there, it doesn't fail to sadden me to see the constant bleeding of creativity and talent suffered by my country. It's frightening to know the number of Cubans who no longer want to leave here, or raise their children on this Island, or realize their professional careers in the country. A tendency that in recent months has had me saying goodbye to colleagues and friends who leave for exile, neighbors who sell their homes to pay for a flight to some other place; acquaintances who I haven't seen for some weeks whom I later learn are now living in Singapore or Argentina. People who are tired of waiting, of postponing their dreams.
But someone has to stay to close the door, turn the lights off and on again. Many have to stay because this country has to be reborn with fresh ideas, with young people and future proposals. At least the illusion has to stay, the regenerative capacity must remain here; the enthusiasm clings to this earth. In 2013, among the many who remain, one must definitely be hopeful.
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